Remnant of Yisrael
Ministry Opportunites

We would love to be a part of your next conference or special gathering, being available to serve in whatever role you prefer. Barry has spoken at a variety of Sukkot and Shavu'ot Celebrations as welll conference style meetings.
Sample teachings from some of the events are available by request. Please see our contact info and let us know of your needs.
Small Group Gatherings
Some of the most rewarding and long lasting results of searching out the Word comes from small, informal gatherings in your living room or even your kitchen table. What started as a Kitchen Table teaching format, with a few friends and a pot of coffee, became a weekly gathering of 15 to 20 people and lasted for over 3 years. This adventure led to growth and changed lives at House of David, where Barry leads a congregation in Gloucester Point, VA.
No gathering is too small. Please contact us and let us know how we can you.
This message was recorded Sukkot 2007 and is the most requested teaching I've done.

Leading Worship
Barry has composed over 40 original songs that feature styles from acoustic to rock to country and Hebraic influences. Lyric content is largely drawn from the Scriptures or from parable story lines. Having decades of experience, he seeks to play for an audience of One. The Father has given the music and the opportunity to offer it back to Him.
Barry is available to lead with acoustic guitar or to arrange for his band to accompany him.